To help us properly prepare for retreats here are a few requirements/expectations.
Retreats may fill up very quickly. We can only have a total of 35 people attend including chaperones and Peace Core. I suggest you plan in advance to ensure there is a spot for your teen. All registrants must sign up no later than three weeks before the retreat. We cannot do last-minute sign-ups for either retreat.
-If you signed your teen up to attend a retreat and found a conflict and they can no longer go, the latest you can drop out is two weeks before the retreat. After this point, you are expected to pay the retreat fee regardless of attendance as the parish pays for all the attendees a month prior to the retreat.
Click here for the Permission Slip
Sponsor Retreat for 2nd year Confirmandi and Sponsor -
Feb 12th
Please refrain from using your phone in sessions or having it on during the retreat.