Pre-School Religious Education
Our Catechist (teacher of our Catholic faith):
Miss Sharayah Rivera
You may complete and submit the online enrollment form (below)
at this time for planning purposes.
Children need to be 3 (& potty trained), 4 or 5 by Sept. 1st, 2024.
Our catechists joyfully (and patiently)
lead their young students as they share the loving,
gentle presence of Jesus based on their love of their faith,
Jesus, children, and our Catholic Christian faith.
"Train up a child in the way they should go -
- when they are old, they won't depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
For more information, please contact
Robert (Mr. Bob) Shields at 856-7657 ext. 207, or by email.
Enrollment Fee: $20.00 per child (covers cost of materials & supplies).
(full and partial scholarships are usually available).
To pay the Enrollment Fee:
(1) you may use the Kiosk at the back of the Church (near Community Room),
(2) pay by Check made payable to "Prince of Peace"
please mail of bring it to the Parish Main Office (upstairs),
(3) pay online (preferred method) ...
Please note - This payment is a "Fee" not a "Donation"
to Pay Online click Here