The Sacrament of Penance is also known as "Confession" or "Reconciliation" in the common usage, the terms "penance" and "repentance" best describes the essential interior disposition required for this Sacrament.
In fact, there is a virtue of penance. This is a supernatural virtue by which we are moved to detest our sins from a motive made known by faith, and with an accompanying purpose of not offending God anymore and of making satisfaction for our sins. In this sense the word "penance" is synonymous with "penitence" or "repentance."
The celebration of Reconciliation is:
Saturday after 9:00 Rosary and Mass.
or by appointment: Contact Father Mike at 856-7657
For those who have not yet received the Sacrament of Penance, the Sacrament is typically administered to the youth in Third Grade through our Elementary Religious Education program, to older children through our RCIC program or to adults through our RCIA program.